Frase di Archimede Frasi di Archimede
Dettagli frase Citazioni e aforismi
Criminali, Forze dell'ordine, Ultime parole prima di morire

10/03/2015 alle 13:16
Valutazione mediagradevole4Curiosità 535
1 volta
Valutazione mediagradevole4
Commenti sulla frase
Altre lingue per questa frase
  • Frase in latino
    Noli turbare circulos meos!
  • Frase in greco
    Mè mou tous kuklous taratte.
  • Frase in inglese
    Don't disturb my circles! (Archimedes, in response to a Roman soldier who was forcing him to report to the Roman general after the capture of Syracuse, while he was busy sitting on the ground proving geometry theorems. The soldier killed him, despite specific instructions not to).
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